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GoGuide™ Safe Reentry Solution

Our comprehensive solution for safe reentry covers every moment of facility engagement and experience – from entry to exit.

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GoGuide draws on a suite of technologies to let facility managers protect the safety of workers and visitors while preserving individual privacy. And it can be configured to any size or type of facility, including stadiums, arenas, conference centers, performance venues, museums, K-12 schools, universities and tourist attractions.

Here's How

GoGuide easily integrates with a facility’s existing security systems. It employs reusable Bluetooth low energy (BLE) and radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags to support the ticketing process, and pairs with electronic ticketing apps to transmit personal device alerts and instructions. The BLE/RFID tags can be personalized for members, season ticket holders, staff, and visitors with disabilities. And they can be programmed – for durations as brief as a single sporting or cultural event or as long as a concert season or academic semester.

GoGuide gives you:

  • Precision contact tracing
  • Wayfinding with near-real-time crowd/line density intelligence
  • Facial authentication for ordering and purchases
  • Machine vision detection of mask usage, crowd aggregation, line monitoring, area occupancy and social distancing
  • Optional fever detection

GoGuide goes beyond pandemic response. It leverages technology to support crowd intelligence, track pedestrian dynamics and behaviors, and provide critical data to support the purpose and functions of the business.

GoGuide incorporates the latest BLE/RFID technological advances, computer vision from Intel Corp., and system integration and implementation from PMY Group.

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