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Creating 3D models from photographs allows our engineers to assess site conditions economically – and from a safe distance.

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garage_collapse James Bruce/WFAA
Parking Garage Collapse Photogrammetry Fly-Through

Digital imaging technology lets us extract three-dimensional measurements from two-dimensional data. Using drones, high-resolution digital cameras and cloud computing, we can produce models of building sites, construction progress and property-loss events from a sequence of photographs.

Here’s How

Photogrammetry uses special software to stitch together a series of digital photographs to produce a 3D model. And once we’ve created a model, we can rotate it, “fly” through it, and manipulate it in countless other ways. That’s the beauty of photogrammetric models: they help us analyze data, improve safety, identify damage, reduce costs and assess conditions – for all or part of any site:

  • Any trained field technician can record any site using a digital still or video camera.
  • Cameras mounted on drones or robotic vehicles can capture sites that are too dangerous to enter.
  • Use of machines speeds up site documentation and eliminates the need for costly, time-sensitive laser scanning.
  • Specialized software can extract still images from video recordings and use them for photogrammetric analysis.
  • Fully automated drone flights ensure precise images and eliminate user error.

Photogrammetric Model

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